
Maksim Tarasov

Frontend and Full-stack developer



Fullstack developer specializing in TypeScript, React.js, Vue.js and Nest.js. Experienced in crafting high-quality, user-friendly applications through practical experience and a commitment to staying on the edge of industry trends. I enjoy collaborative environments and solve tasks in teamwork.

Outside of work, I prefer an active lifestyle filled with travel and sports. These activities energize me, driving me to master my development skills through continuous learning of new technologies and methodologies.

Here is a list of technologies I have worked with in recent years:

- Frontend

  • TypeScript, JavaScript
  • React.js, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Next.js
  • Redux, Vuex
  • Styled-components, Tailwind, Material UI, Ant design, Vuefy
  • RESTful APIs, GraphQL
  • Jest, React Testing Library

- Backend

  • Node.js, Nest.js
  • RESTful APIs, GraphQL
  • Python (Flask)

- Database

  • Prisma, Supabase
  • PostgreSQL, MySQL

- Other

  • Docker
  • Git, Jenkins, Sonar
  • Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket
  • Elastic Stack, Winston
  • Figma
  • Miro, Jira, Confluence
  • Agile, Scrum, Kanban
  • Flutter, dart

In addition to these, I have experience with Shopify, WordPress, and more.

Work Experience

Here are some of my key strengths:

  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, demonstrated through successful project deliveries and troubleshooting complex issues.
  • Extensive knowledge of JavaScript, TypeScript, browsers, and other general web topics.
  • Adaptive learner, quickly mastering new technologies and independently acquiring new skills.
  • Proficient in modern software development methodologies, including Agile, Scrum, and Kanban.
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, enabling effective collaboration within teammates.

Software Developer

Y1 Digital AG | Berlin, Remote

01.2023 - Present

  • Lead the fullstack development of multiple outsource applications using TypeScript, React.js, and Nest.js.
  • The migration of a Neusehland internal mobile app to a React.js web app to improve its functionality and clients’s business processes.
  • React.js and Nest.js drag-and-drop personnel management system for a large logistics organization from the concept level to the functioning MVP.
  • Played a role as a Nest.js and Flutter developer in a mobile app project, contributing to it’s successful execution and timely delivery.
  • Researched and integrated Shopify into the company's technical stack, leading to the creation of fullstack applications with React.js, Remix.js, Prisma, GraphQL and TypeScript, expanding the company's e-commerce capabilities.

Skills: TypeScript, React, React Query, React dnd, Remix, styled-components, Webpack, Docker, Nest, Prisma, Ant Design, Bitbucket, Jira, Figma, Miro, GitHub, Shopify

Software Developer

Leroy Merlin | Moscow, Remote

10.2021 - 01.2023

  • Participated in frontend development of new features and refactoring the B2B part of an internal React with Redux Saga based CRM system for the sales department managers impacting 100+ stores and resulting in €50М a year extra profit.
  • Improved code quality and user experience by participating in code reviews, design reviews, and analytics sessions, maintaining high quality of the app and alignment with project objectives.
  • Made a lot of progress in the refactoring and splitting of the monorepository app into microfrontends, improving project scalability.
  • Significantly improved the percentage of test-covered code to the minimum of 70% with unit tests using Jest and upgraded CI/CD pipelines, ensuring code quality and streamlining deployment processes.
  • Helped to manage the complete restructuring and growth of the B2B team with new employees onboarding.

Skills: React, Redux Saga, Flow, Jest, Webpack, Jira, Figma, Miro, GitHub, GitLab, Node.js

Frontend Developer

Blockchain Solutions | Moscow, Hybrid

02.2021 - 10.2021

  • Was the only frontend developer for various projects, using TypeScript, React.js, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, and Next.js, integration with REST API and blockchain extensions.
  • Played a key role in creation of application logic and user interface design, closely collaborating with UI/UX designers, resulting in highly quality visually appealing apps.
  • Built the frontend for a Vue.js based blockchain-oriented marketplace, including live chat, marketplace features, and authorization via Web Sockets and REST API, attracting clients to blockchain projects and promoting the company's cryptocurrency.
  • Designed and developed web-based games with cryptocurrency-related functionalities, raising company’s reputation in the crypto community.
  • Made crucial stack selection and architecture decisions, ensuring performance and scalability.

Skills: TypeScript, React, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Next.js, WebSockets, Web3, Metamask, Blockchain, REST API, Material UI, Vuetify, Jira, Figma, GitHub

Freelance WordPress Developer


2019 - 2021

  • Developed custom websites for diverse clients, showcasing proficiency in WordPress, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Figma.
  • Managed end-to-end project development, ensuring seamless functionality and exceptional user experience across all platforms.
  • Crafted the online presence for RV, a nonprofit organisation: Elevated brand visibility through the engineering of a company website; Enhanced user interaction and prolonged visit duration via the development of an online platform; Initiated the creation of the immersive 3D model exhibition, and the online photo exhibition that saved those art projects during COVID lockdown and gained a lot of audience attention.

Skills: WordPress, PHP, HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Webpack, Gulp, GitHub


Bachelor's Degree
Moscow National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" (NUST "MISIS") 2016-2020
Electronics and Nanoelectronics
Micro- and Nanoelectronic Devices

Master's Degree
Moscow National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" (NUST "MISIS") ICTN (IICS) 2020-2022
Information Systems and Technologies
Big Data Ecosystem for Digital Transformation


Due to the nature of my recent work, I have primarily been involved in internal projects that are not publicly accessible. I haven't had time to work on pet projects; instead, I dedicate my free time to algorithm studies. Therefore, the projects I can share date back to 2019-2021, and some of them are no longer available online. Unfortunately, they may not reflect my current skills but serve as a demonstration of my abilities during that period.

More projects on my GitHub page!